metal grid hooks
Spurred on by Man's visions and realized dreams, technology has been brought a long way from its humble beginnings. As a comrade to Man, technology is dedicated to serving Man, to expanding his horizons. When the sky grew dark the pilots discovered that flying blind was basic to an accomplishment. There were other handicaps such as bad weather to be overcome before fighter pilots could prevail for keeps. Electric typewriters and dip pens, although they differed in design, were equals in function. Electrical typewriters were an environmentally friendlier, cheaper alternative. How much cash do you want to pour into it when the part that counts is only about 20%? Consequently many factories are still using electrical etching machines, except for the other 80 percent that doesn't work absolutely correctly and doesn't produce products of high quality. But they exist, so to speak, by virtue of inertia and habit, rather than through any rational thinking process. It cannot help being moved forwards because it is the right thing for that state to do, but neither can its ancient way of thought, as to challenging traditional norms.